Welcome to The Stewardship Foundation

Non-Profit/NGO Promoting Sustainability Through Hydroponics

Our Goal

Teach missionaries on the field to operate a successful business.

Food insecurity is amazingly complex. A key element in solving this crisis is recognizing that every lasting solution involves education, job creation as well as food production, processing and delivery. The Stewardship Foundation (TSF) seeks to be a part of this solution by investing in hydroponic infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa.



Enable the missionary families to provide a portion of their own income.

Reduce dependence on contributions

Contribute to the local economy

Teach biblical principles in a practical setting, connected to a necessary element of life.



Initially, our goal is to begin by building a small model hydroponic farm. Other industries could be considered in the future. Once the infrastructure is established, we will be able to teach others how to replicate the model.



Eswatini has been selected for the first location for several reasons:

TSF has an established a working relationship with Comfort for Africa (located in Eswatini).

Due to the extreme needs of Eswatini, we feel this is where we can have the greatest impact.

About Eswatini

Eswatini (officially Kingdom of Eswatini) was previously called Kingdom of Swaziland. Located in the sub-Sahara region of Africa, where it adjoins Mozambique and South Africa. A landlocked country with a wide variety of climates, it extends about 110 miles from north to south and about 80 miles from west to east at its largest dimensions (similar to New Jersey in size).

What is Hydroponics?

Hydroponics is a method of growing plants, without soil. In this method, the plants are grown in water, rich in essential nutrients. This system also uses less water as much as 10 times less than traditional field farming. According to studies, plants grown hydroponically grow faster and healthier than plants in the soil since they are being provided with required nutrients directly to their roots through the water.